Consulting Services

Meeting the Needs of Vertical Industries

Aimed at matching the real needs and problems faced by vertical industries with the appropriate human resources and required scientific and technological skillsets to address them.

Developing Industry-University Communication

It is reckoned though that the establishment of organized communication channels between industry and universities is still at an embryonic level.

The Competence Center's Role in Facilitating Dialogue

The Competence Center aspires to invest in this direction, with services that will enable a fruitful dialogue between companies operating in different verticals and active scientific teams.

A Roadmap for Problem-Solving

This dialogue follows a specific roadmap starting from the joint formulation of the problem and eventually leading to the implementation of pilot projects, which will validate the solution and bring it closer to actual production.

Providing Advisory Services and Infrastructure Management

Consulting will also include Advisory Services to the State relevant to, inter alia, infrastructure management and will include the formulation of clear procedures and rules for access to and use of digital infrastructures.

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