About the project

Long-term towards Evolved 5G and 6G research needs mobilization of massive volumes of ideas, from which the best can emerge and be adopted for standardization. With the extremely low latency and huge data capacity of Beyond 5G and 6G networks, the cyber and physical worlds could converge, allowing for the development of services like digital twins and internet of senses applications. This future ecosystem is on track to be more collaborative and inclusive than previous generations of network.

FIDAL seeks to set the standard by fostering open architectures, large experimentation sites, and adopting a multi-stakeholder approach, thus it steps in, targeting the augmentation of human capabilities, enabling Media & PPDR vertical industry players to carry out advanced technological and business validation in large-scale trial facilities of highly innovative and advanced applications, that take full advantage of Evolved 5G technologies. This will provide significantly beneficial feedback to the broader industry, academia, innovators and community before wide commercial deployments of Evolved 5G networks throughout Europe.

FIDAL will build on the success of 5G-PPP Phase 3 projects, producing a unified experimentation framework with Zero-Touch orchestration, reusable Network Applications, Wand secure AI as a Service capabilities. In order to validate Evolved 5G technologies in a user environment and maximize downstream take up and prepare the ground prepare the ground for 6G, the project will deploy 3 testbeds and 3 large-scale test infrastructures in Greece, Norway, and Spain.

Project Objectives


To extend and deliver an advanced future proof Evolved 5G facility, anticipating evolution into next SNS phase, open & accessible to support 3rd party vertical experiments, as well as a test environment for rapid prototyping and large-scale validation of advanced, forward-looking applications.


To leverage, develop and extend innovative, next-generation and business-relevant services, and applications (including digital twins and internet of senses) in the Media and PPDR domains, showcasing the clear benefit of 5G evolution and preparing the ground for the introduction of 6G.


To implement a unified framework for automatically driving end to end network (device, edge, core, cloud continuum, etc.) and service management decisions via a Zero-Touch engine, leveraging Distributed Deep Reinforcement learning-based control algorithms.


To contribute a repository of Network Applications, AI-driven tools, open-source applications, open training sets, and data models, to be leveraged by FIDAL vertical applications, 3rd party projects from Open Calls and future SNS projects.


To implement an end-to-end Security Framework for the operations including AIaaS.


Exploitation, contribution to standards, outreach and clustering activities, dissemination, communication, and Open Calls.

p-NET's Role

Ιn FIDAL, p-NET will closely collaborate with the University of Patras in deploying the Greek FIDAL testbed to be used in lab trials. Dr. Christos Tranoris, p-NET’s CTO is the project’s Technical Manager, capitalizing on his long-standing experience in operating 5G-PPP testbeds e.g., 5G-VINNI. p-NET also leads WP2 which captures and analyses the requirements stemming from the use cases that require 5G evolution and 6G performance characteristics and translate them to technical requirements, as well as WP4, which integrates the 5G evolution testbeds and large-scale infrastructures and deploys the experimentation framework.

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